Friday, July 18, 2008

Business and Religion

Ok, this is a tough one.

I grew up Southern Baptist. I was in church as a child, much more often than I was out of church.

When it comes to business, these things are separate. I still consider myself a Christian, but I am far from being in church every Sunday. Most of the better people in this world do not feel a need to be in church every Sunday.

To make myself clear- I have been screwed in business by more "good Christians" than I have anyone else.

I cannot stand when someone hides behind the cross. They will lie, cheat, and steal, only to ask for forgiveness on Sunday.

It is way more valuable to be a good person all the time. Why lie? It's not worth it. It creates more problems for yourself later. Why screw people? At the end of the day, all you really have is your reputation. When you mess that up, it is over. No one will trust you again. Or if they do, you have to work really hard to regain that.

As I told Dad yesterday, "Maybe it is because I believe in God and I believe 'what goes around comes around.'"

So, if you label yourself a "good Christian," please don't tell me. Show me in your actions, not in your words. Do not continue to perpetuate hypocrisy.

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